Counter stories by Vagelis Kolotsios

Counter stories by Vagelis Kolotsios This is an attempt to depict and connect stories of different women, coming from different backgrounds but facing similar challenges and sharing similar dreams and hopes for their future. On the one hand, in Greece, refugee women live in hotspots surrounded by unknown culture and language. In Palestine, on the otherhand, they are the daughters and grand-daughters of refugees.If they...

Counter stories: Fifth story ... from Cameroon to Greece

Counter stories: Fifth story... from Cameroon to Greece To read Counter stories: First story... in Palestine click here. To read Counter stories: Second story... from Iran to Greece click here. To read Counter stories: Third story... in Palestine click here. To read Counter stories: Fourth story... from Afghanistan to Greece click...

Counter stories: First story ... in Palestine

Counter stories:  First story... in Palestine This is an attempt to depict and connect stories of different women, coming from different backgrounds but facing similar challenges and sharing similar dreams and hopes for their future. On the one hand, in Greece, refugee women live in hotspots surrounded by unknown culture and language. In Palestine, on the otherhand, they are the daughters and grand-daughters of refugees.If...

Counter stories: Fourth story ... from Afghanistan to Greece

Counter stories: Fourth story... from Afghanistan to Greece To read Counter stories: First story... in Palestine click here.To read Counter stories: Second story... from Iran to Greece click here.To read Counter stories: Third story... in Palestine click here.To read Counter stories: Fifth story... from Cameroon to Greece click here. To read Counter stories: First story... in Palestine click here. ...

Counter stories: Second story ... from Iran to Greece

Counter stories:  Second story... from Iran to Greece To read Counter stories: First story... in Palestine click here. To read Counter stories: Third story... in Palestine click here. To read Counter stories: Fourth story... from Afghanistan to Greece click here. To read Counter stories: Fifth story... from Cameroon to Greece click...

Counter stories: Third story ... in Palestine

Counter stories: Third story... in Palestine To read Counter stories: First story... in Palestine click here. To read Counter stories: Second story... from Iran to Greece click here. To read Counter stories: Fourth story... from Afghanistan to Greece click here. To read Counter stories: Fifth story... from Cameroon to Greece click here. ...

Counter stories: Sixth story ... from Mogadishu to Greece

Counter stories: Sixth story... from Mogadishu to Greece To read Counter stories: First story... in Palestine click here. To read Counter stories: Second story... from Iran to Greece click here. To read Counter stories: Third story... in Palestine click here. To read Counter stories: Fourth story... from Afghanistan to Greece click here. ...

Samara: If we could get electricity...

1. I'm doing fine now, that I got work through Hirundo. I like my work and the day starts with a cheerful mind.   2. My mood changes when I get a call from home. "Mommy! When are you coming home?" "Soon enough!" Most of my paycheck goes home to my family for their living costs. After work I spend time at the Railway Station.  3....

Tana Oshima: Vagabond (excerpt)

Tana Oshima: Vagabond (excerpt) Tana Oshima is a writer and comics artist based in New York. Her comic "Vagabond" is a poetic, touching story of the sentiments of a person between two cultures. Return to the previous page

Warda Ahmed: Attitudes behind the words

What is often said to racialized people and the attitudes behind the words. / By Warda Ahmed @wanzech, inspired by Chucha Marguez @la_chucha. "You speak Finnish really well!" = Finnish can never be your mother tongue. "Maybe we should call you 'Allu'!" = I'm not bothered to learn how to pronounce your name. "You would look great without the scarf!" = Wearing the scarf can not be your...
℅ Ralf Kauranen, Kotimainen kirjallisus, 20014 Turun yliopisto
℅ Ralf Kauranen Department of Finnish Literature, FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
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